For the first published zine of our collective Les Acanthes, we imagined a far-off and conforting wandering of an infinite subject : the Moon.

Mysterious and familiar, feminine or masculine, harmful or benefactor, the Moon is fascinating and intriguing. This project is the result of the second residency of the collective « Les Acanthes », realised between November and December 2020.

If interested, you can purchase it here.

For the first published zine of our collective Les Acanthes, we imagined a far-off and conforting wandering of an infinite subject : the Moon.

Mysterious and familiar, feminine or masculine, harmful or benefactor, the Moon is fascinating and intriguing. This project is the result of the second residency of the collective « Les Acanthes », realised between November and December 2020.

If interested, you can purchase it here.

My series was about the French expression « Être dans la lune ». Literally translated beeing in the moon, the meaning is similar with head in the clouds. It means the state when someone is daydreaming, lost in their toughts and not focusing on what’s happening around. I don’t know how often I’ve heard it already …

When I was little, this expression astonished me. I’ve been miles away, « dans la lune » so many times. Adults are such serious people, they are down to earth. I was thinking that back then. Even if I became an adult now, it hasn’t changed.

You’re still « dans la lune » Lea !

It’s always been one of my main personality traits.

The association of the Moon to onirism is ancient, the satellite is often considered as an influencer of the human psychological state and mood.

Why am I so often « dans la lune » ? Because of boredom but not only. It’s not to run away or isolate myself from the present moment. It’s simply a way of beeing, a way to aproach the world.When there is something happening or a subject in a conversation which I find thought-provoking, I start to ponder about it. The drift which leads me to be in my own bubble starts.It’s really an inconscious process, at the moment I’m not noticing it. It’s often the sudden, friendly or sometimes exasperate intervention of an outsider that brings me back to Earth.

Hey Lea, still « dans la lune » ?